Starting anew.

Everyone wants a fresh new start but everyone has their own reasons. Personally, I always yearn for a new me every once in a while, or for others, every NEW YEAR seems to be the right time. A new you sounds good especially at the thought of a new prospect like it. But as time goes by, without motivation and action to pursue the idea of a new you, everything will fall back to pieces and eventually leading back to your nightmare, your old self being nothing. Seriously, your subconscious screaming at you for being such a lazy ass.


(c) Zoolander

As scary as it sounds, this happens to the most of us. We always seek to be a new person, to change our old ways, to try new things, to improve ourselves and what not. But like every other person in this world, we lack something to gear us up. Motivation? Resources? Action? Reasons??

I don’t blame you for not being able to do your goals. But if this keeps on happening, how would we be able to combat it? I have been battling with myself to do things that I have been putting off for a while. You don’t know how many times I tried to start something new and ended up doing nothing in the end.

I am a very ambitious person, sometimes they are too much and I feel like I haven’t set my limitations. For the past few years, I’ve been trying to stay fit and eat healthy since I am at the age where everything is happening so quickly that if you can’t keep up, you’ll end up regretting. Another goal of mine is to study well during my undergraduate years as a premed student so when I reach the point where I have to choose a med school, I have a good background and choices.

But now, in my last year as a college student, I’ve regretted my actions a lot. I wasn’t able to start fresh in college, I slacked off a lot, and I’ve treated studying as if it was a chore. My problem is that I have lacked motivation to do so and I ended up having the habit of saying “I’ll do better the next time.” I don’t want to end up to the point where my next time would be my last time and everything is too late.’

Now, I’ve been given the chance to reflect on my actions, I have my motivation *wink*  and hopefully when the school year starts I would be able to change myself gradually (i.e. study habits, focus) and end up with good results. I’ve also started to change my eating habits (diet but not in a starving myself way) and exercise daily for a healthier well-being (seriously though you should be more active). I want to have the chance to redeem myself from my past mistakes and slap everyone who have doubted and belittled me in their faces (not literally).

Here’s to a new start and hopefully when I look back at this post, I’m glad to have been able to inspire myself and others as well. Remember, just set your goal (attainable to say the least), have your motivation to do so, give effort, and don’t give up (like really). Cliche as it may sound, but only you can control what you can become, a better version of you.


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